Inicio 9 Producto 9 HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Theoretical Reflections and Contemporary Research


HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Theoretical Reflections and Contemporary Research

Primera edición
Christian Roith (Ed.)

The history of education is a very dynamic academic discipline whose themes, approaches and methodologies have diversified over the last two decades. This evolution is due to the historical reflection that is considered essential in the educational sciences. This work aims to reflect the recent development of the discipline by bringing together theoretical reflections on pedagogical issues,…


The history of education is a very dynamic academic discipline whose themes, approaches and methodologies have diversified over the last two decades. This evolution is due to the historical reflection that is considered essential in the educational sciences. This work aims to reflect the recent development of the discipline by bringing together theoretical reflections on pedagogical issues, hermeneutic and critical studies of various pedagogical theories from different periods and historical-educational research. Many of the research studies included in this work stand out for their interpretation of alternative sources with new approaches. For this reason, the book can be seen as an introduction to recent work in the field of the history of education, which is compiled with a teaching intention, i.e., with the aim of making new knowledge accessible to scholars and those interested in the subject. The most important target group for this book are international students, who visit Spanish universities, and Spanish students of subjects related to education, who are willing to enhance their linguistic competence. Furthermore, the book is aimed at scholars and public interested in history of education through a comparative approach.

Foundations of educational theory / The concept of “education” / On the history of childhood / Representations of education in the Florentine Codex by Bernardino de Sahagún (ca. 1499-1590) / The Orbis Sensualium Pictus of Comenius. An iconographic interpretation / The beginning of educational thinking in modern times: Jean-Jacques Rousseau / Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi's pedagogical theory / Progressivism and elitism: The educational theory and practice of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza in Spain (1876-1936) / Educational theory and practice in post-revolutionary times: The European academic debate on the experimental schools in Hamburg (1919-1933) in the 1930s and 70s / High culture for the underprivileged: The Educational Missions in the Spanish Second Republic 1931-1936 / They Still Draw Pictures: The Spanish Civil War Seen with Children’s Eyes / The Spanish Civil War in early Francoist history textbooks / German Influences on the Spanish Academic Discourse in Educational Sciences between 1945 and 1990 / The structure of the Spanish education system and the problem of social justice

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18,2026,00 (IVA incl.)

ISBN: 9788419222220
Año de edición: 2022
Páginas: 320
Tamaño: 17 x 24 cm
Encuadernación: Rústica
Idioma: Español

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